Saturday, January 15, 2011

The W8 Resumes

Back story: Last November and December I had some stomach issues. Each episode (4 in total)  lasting 3 - 5 days. The doctor couldn't figure it out. It seemed to go away.

Present day: Sunday during the prepar8ion stage, I had a relapse. Sunday was really bad. Monday morning I felt okay and started the cleanse. By 4pm Monday I was back in bed. Missed work Tuesday. My doctor referred a gastroenternologist and recommended I w8 until after my appointment and probable testing before resuming the Challenge. She was familiar with Advocare and was confident that it had nothing to do with my relapse - especially since the relapse started before the cleanse. Soooooooooooooooooooooooo...
I w8.

Keep checking back for more, or let me know how you're doing on your healthy habits.

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